Pet Microchipping in Marietta
Giving your pet the best chance to come back home to you
We offer microchipping services to help ensure that our patients have the best chance of being returned to their loving owners. There are many brands in the market but we prefer using HomeAgain microchips.

Microchipping procedure
Dog and cat microchipping is a simple procedure. A veterinarian simply injects a microchip for pets, about the size of a grain of rice (12mm), beneath the surface of your pet's skin between the shoulder blades. The process is similar to an injection and takes only a few seconds. No anesthetic is required.
How does the microchipping work?
A HomeAgain microchip is a permanent pet ID. The microchip itself has no internal energy source, so it will last the life of your pet. It is read by passing a microchip scanner over the pet's shoulder blades. The scanner emits a low radio frequency that provides the power necessary where the chip is located to transmit the microchip's unique cat or dog ID code and positively identify the pet.
How the Microchip Brings Your Pet Home
HomeAgain's standard chip is the only dog & cat microchipping product on the market today that has the patented anti-migration feature to help ensure that the microchip will stay in place so that it may be easily located and scanned. If your pet gets lost and is taken to an animal shelter or veterinarian, they will scan the microchip to read its unique dog or cat ID code. This is the number used by HomeAgain to identify the pet and retrieve your contact information, which is used to contact you and reunite you with your pet.
View how pet microchipping works
Do you know that we now offer Bio-Thermo microchips? With this new technology, we can easily read your pet’s temperature by simply touching your pet with our microchip scanner.
Are there any extra fees?
Rest assured, once you've invested in microchipping at our clinic, there are no additional fees to maintain your pet's registration with HomeAgain. Your pet's microchip ID number will be securely and permanently stored in the HomeAgain National Pet Recovery Database, alongside your contact details. Keeping your information up to date is crucial, and the best part? Updates are completely free of charge.
HomeAgain will continue to reach out to offer their annual membership (not mandatory), providing an array of valuable benefits:
Lost Pet Specialists: The HomeAgain call center staffs around-the-clock Lost Pet Specialists who are trained to send out Lost Pet Alerts and guide you through the process of searching for your pet.
Rapid Lost Pet Alerts and Personalized Lost Pet Posters: Dedicated Recovery Specialists send rapid Lost Pet Alerts to the HomeAgain Pet Recovery Network of volunteer veterinarians, shelters and Pet Rescuers in the area where your pet went missing. Premium members can also create a Lost Pet Poster on the website to begin their search promptly.
24/7 Medical Hotline: Your pet's protected even when they are by your side! When a pet emergency strikes, HomeAgain Premium members have access to a 24-hour hotline staffed with licensed veterinarians, a $85-per call value, free. Call for advice when you need it most.
If you're already a Premium Member and need to access the hotline, call 888-466-3242 and follow the prompts to be connected.
Travel Assistance for Found Pets: For lost pets found 500 miles or more from home, a HomeAgain Premium Membership covers up to $500 to bring your pet home.
Once you've paid for the microchip at Town & Country West Veterinary, there are no additional charges to keep your pet registered with HomeAgain, you will only have to pay extra, if you wish to elect to acquire their yearly membership, otherwise you're securing their safety without ongoing fees.
If you are interested in making an appointment to install a thermos-sensitive microchip on your pet, give us a call at 770-528-6363, or make an online tech appointment, click on the link below:
For more information about HomeAgain microchips visit their website at